1.   Awareness campaigns.—(1) The appropriate Government, in consultation with the Chief Commissioner or the State Commissioner, as the case may be, shall conduct, encourage, support or promote awareness campaigns and sensitisation programmes to ensure that the rights of the persons with disabilities provided under this Act are protected.

(2)    The programmes and campaigns specified under sub-section (1) shall also,—

(a)    promote values of inclusion, tolerance, empathy and respect for diversity;

(b)    advance recognition of the skills, merits and abilities of persons with disabilities and of their contributions to the workforce, labour market and professional fee;

(c)    foster respect for the decisions made by persons with disabilities on all matters related to family life, relationships, bearing and raising children;

(d)    provide orientation and sensitisation at the school, college, University and professional training level on the human condition of disability and the rights of persons with disabilities;


(e)    provide orientation and sensitisation on disabling conditions and rights of persons with disabilities to employers, administrators and co-workers;

(f)    ensure that the rights of persons with disabilities are included in the curriculum in Universities, colleges and schools.

  1.   Accessibility.—The Central Government shall, in consultation with the Chief Commissioner, formulate rules for persons with disabilities laying down the standards of accessibility for the physical environment, transportation, information and communications, including appropriate technologies and systems, and other facilities and services provided to the public in urban and rural areas.
  2.   Access to transport.—(1) The appropriate Government shall take suitable measures to provide,—

(a)    facilities for persons with disabilities at bus stops, railway stations and airports conforming to the accessibility standards relating to parking spaces, toilets, ticketing counters and ticketing machines;

(b)    access to all modes of transport that conform the design standards, including retrofitting old modes of transport, wherever technically feasible and safe for persons with disabilities, economically viable and without entailing major structural changes in design;

(c)    accessible roads to address mobility necessary for persons with disabilities.

(2)    The appropriate Government shall develop schemes programmes to promote the personal mobility of persons with disabilities at affordable cost to provide for,—

(a)    incentives and concessions;

(b)    retrofitting of vehicles; and

(c)    personal mobility assistance.

  1.   Access to information and communication technology.—The appropriate Government shall take measures to ensure that,—

(i)    all contents available in audio, print and electronic media are in accessible format;

(ii)    persons with disabilities have access to electronic media by providing audio description, sign language interpretation and close captioning;

(iii)    electronic goods and equipment which are meant for every day use are available in universal design.

  1.   Consumer goods.—The appropriate Government shall take measures to promote development, production and distribution of universally designed consumer products and accessories for general use for persons with disabilities.
  2.   Mandatory observance of accessibility norms.—(1) No establishment shall be granted permission to build any structure if the building plan does not adhere to the rules formulated by the Central Government under section 40.

(2) No establishment shall be issued a certificate of completion or allowed to take occupation of a building unless it has adhered to the rules formulated by the Central Government.

  1.   Time limit for making existing infrastructure and premises accessible and action for that purpose.—(1) All existing public buildings shall be made accessible in accordance with the rules formulated by the Central Government within a period not exceeding five years from the date of notification of such rules:

Provided that the Central Government may grant extension of time to the States on a case to case basis for adherence to this provision depending on their state of preparedness and other related parameters.


(2) The appropriate Government and the local authorities shall formulate and publish an action plan based on prioritisation, for providing accessibility in all their buildings and spaces providing essential services such as all primary health centres, civil hospitals, schools, railway stations and bus stops.

  1.   Time limit for accessibility by service providers.—The service providers whether Government or private shall provide services in accordance with the rules on accessibility formulated by the Central Government under section 40 within a period of two years from the date of notification of such rules:

Provided that the Central Government in consultation with the Chief Commissioner may grant extension of time for providing certain category of services in accordance with the said rules.

  1.   Human resource development.—(1) Without prejudice to any function and power of Rehabilitation Council  of  India  constituted  under  the  Rehabilitation  Council  of  India  Act,  1992  (34 of 1992), the appropriate Government shall endeavour to develop human resource for the purposes of this Act and to that end shall,—

(a)    mandate training on disability rights in all courses for the training of Panchayati Raj Members, legislators, administrators, police officials, judges and lawyers;

(b)    induct disability as a component for all education courses for schools, colleges and University teachers, doctors, nurses, para-medical personnel, social welfare officers, rural development officers, asha workers, anganwadi workers, engineers, architects, other professionals and community workers;

(c)    initiate capacity building programmes including training in independent living and community relationships for families, members of community and other stakeholders and care providers on care giving and support;

(d)    ensure independence training for persons with disabilities to build community relationships on mutual contribution and respect;

(e)    conduct training programmes for sports teachers with focus on sports, games, adventure activities;

(f)    any other capacity development measures as may be required.

(2)    All Universities shall promote teaching and research in disability studies including establishment of study centres for such studies.

(3)    In order to fulfil the obligation stated in sub-section (1), the appropriate Government shall in every five years undertake a need based analysis and formulate plans for the recruitment, induction, sensitisation, orientation and training of suitable personnel to undertake the various responsibilities under this Act.

  1.   Social audit.—The appropriate Government shall undertake social audit of all general schemes and programmes involving the persons with disabilities to ensure that the scheme and programmes do not have an adverse impact upon the persons with disabilities and need the requirements and concerns of persons with disabilities.